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Getting in touch

Target Headhunting

Tekniikantie 4 A (3rd. floor)

02150 Espoo


+358 9 1710 0850

Target Headhunting

  • Active since 2007
  • 11 - 20 employees

Your agile, flexible and dynamic recruitment partner. Personnel is the most valuable asset of the company. To find the key players is not always simple with traditional recruiting ways.

Target Headhunting is an effective partner for recruiting management level executives and directors, sales & marketing professionals and technical experts. No matter if the recruiting process is public or done in a silent way by hedhunting, Target Headhunting finds the best candidates carefully and descretely. When necessary, individual assesments for candidates are carried out by our own psychologist.

Target Headhunting works closely with trade unions and personal organisations. Through the co-operation, we are able to approach exceptional large number of potential candidates. In addition, our own CV-data base has several hundreds of valid and potential CV´s. Our recruitment system conforms fully to the GDPR-requirements inside EU (GDPR = General Data Protection Regulation).

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